Capital of Game Art events
Past events:
A collection of articles consisting of texts that discuss the personal meanings of games. The collection will be published in Autumn 2023.
Call for papers open until 15th of May,
Final article submissions by the 30th of September.

Screen Gallery's monthly changing exhibitions feature a wide variety of game-related art from professionals in the field.
When: 10/2022 onwards

Kouvola minecraft
Kouvola's 3D-model in Minecraft. The players can create their ideal Kouvola.
First published November 3, 2022.

Capital of Game Art's Twitch streams will include playing videogames with interesting guests! The streams will be in Finnish.
More stream dates will be announced soon!
When: 6/2023 onwards
Free City of Games 2023
Free City of Games, the event celebrating games and the art of games, will be organized November 2-19, in the centre of Kouvola, in the Kohoa Synergiakeskus.

The Lux Like Kouvola will bring light art to the centre of Kouvola once again.
Game workshops for local primary schools
Game Design and Game Programming students from Xamk organize game making workshops for local primary school pupils. In the Autumn of 2022 and Spring 2023 a workshop will be held in the school of Inkeroinen.
September 2022 - Spring 2023

Pelipoikilo - Poikilo museums’ grand exhibition 2022
The art of games will take over Kouvola's art museum Poikilo in the Autumn. The main focus of the exhibition is in game art that addresses real life phenomena. In the exhibition you get to experience the games by playing them yourself!
The exhibition is open during 25.9.2022-8.1.2023

Pelien Vapaakaupunki 2022
Kuukauden kestävä, sisällöltään vaihtuva pelitaiteen ja -kulttuurin tapahtuma Kouvolan keskustassa.

Peliä Taiteeseen workshops
Peliä Taiteeseen is a series of workshops for local artists. The meaning of the workshops is to find inspiration and new ways of making art by studying games and gamification. Registrations by 9th of September.
Dates: 28.-29.9., 20.10. and 24.11.2022

Lux like kouvola 2022
Suomen ensimmäinen pelattavan ja interaktiivisen valotaiteen festivaali Lux Like Kouvola esittelee 8 valoteosta eri puolilla Kouvolan keskustaa.

Game design competition
The winners of the Kouvola Games 22 Game Design Competition were announced on the 3rd of November!
Competition time:
Let's Make A Game! Weekend camp
A free game design camp for 15-29 year-olds taking place in the idyllic Anjala Youth Centre in October. In the camp the participators will get to design their own digital or board game and get advice from experienced game designers.
The camp will be held on the 7-9th of October.
Registration by 15th of September.

Life & Games - Lecture series
Life & Games lecture series consists of four interesting lectures. The lectures are open for the public and they will be streamed.
Dates for the lectures:
Wednesdays 16.3., 13.4., 11.5., and 24.8.

The Opening Event - Capital of Game Art
The opening event of Capital of Game Art will be held at Kouvolatalo.
March 10th, 2022 from 12am to 2pm.